Offsetting Fall Risk in Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a skeletal condition that occurs when the body fails to produce and replace healthy levels of bone mass. The bone is like any other body part, where cells are renewed and regenerated to serve an optimal function. This causes a loss of bone mass, strength, and density.
Osteoporosis is often hormonal or age-related, occurring in senior years when bodily systems are less robust. The medical condition may affect men and women of all ages. However, according to studies, Caucasian and Asian women who have undergone menopause face the highest risk of developing basic osteoporosis. Age is also another major factor, with those over the age of 65 facing the greatest risk.
An Overview
Most adults reach peak bone mass by the age of 30. As our bodies age, bone mass is lost faster than it is created. The chances of developing osteoporosis in later life is relative to the amount of bone mass accrued during youth. The total amount of bone mass (also known as the peak bone mass) in an individual is usually predetermined by ethnicity and genetics.
There is also a wide range of external factors that affects the chances of osteoporosis. These factors include hormone issues, health problems, lifestyle options, medication use, and dietary habits.
Hormone Issues
Hormones are crucial molecules in the body that provide signals to organs toward serving function. Individuals with certain hormonal problems (deficiency or over-stimulation of function) may face complications such as osteoporosis.
Some examples of such hormonal disorders include overactive thyroid and adrenal glands.
Medication Use
Osteoporosis may be a side effect of glucocorticoids (steroids) and other medications that treat hormone conditions such as hyperthyroidism. This results in a condition known as secondary osteoporosis, and affect as much as 50% of women diagnosed with basic osteoporosis. The condition further degrades the bone mass of individuals with basic osteoporosis.
If osteoporosis worsens from prescribed drug use, it might be a good time to speak to your doctor about it to come up with an alternative treatment.
Lifestyle Choices
Certain long-term practices can compromise bone production in your body. Smoking and alcohol are known to increase the risk of osteoporosis. Sedentary lifestyles, which involve a lot of sitting might also increase the chances of developing the condition.
Dietary Habits
Calcium is a vital mineral and building block of our bones.
Consuming food high in salt (or sodium), may reduce calcium levels in your body, which might result in osteoporosis.
Preventing and Reducing Symptoms Naturally
An active lifestyle can go a long way, along with nutritious diets. Weight-bearing exercises that promote movement and balance are beneficial against osteoporosis. Running, sprinting, jogging, skipping and dancing are all ways to stimulate the growth of bone mass.
Eating Well
Well-balanced diets high in protein and calcium will help protect and nourish the bone structures in your body to prevent bone loss symptoms. Recommended food sources include fish, vegetables (such as kale and broccoli and other dark green choices rich in vitamin K, which improves bone density levels) and dairy products. Individuals with osteoporosis may consider enhanced milk formulas that provide additional bone support.
Vitamin Supplementation
If you’re not receiving sufficient vitamins and minerals in your meals, you may want to consider adding vitamin supplementation to your routine. Some of the big names in bone density include of course calcium, but also Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2.
Whole Body Vibration
One of the most important stimulation that builds bone density is vibration. We encounter vibrations when we walk and our heel strikes the ground. Power Plate has made it possible to bring the power of weight bearing vibrations to the home - and potentially sedentary - setting. Research has shown that just 10 minutes of WBV daily can improve bone density.
Osteoporosis & Fall Risk
Osteoporosis is especially dangerous in older adults. As we age, our joints, muscles, and bones experience biological changes that reduce mobility and balance.
Everyday actions such as coughing or bending may cause bone fractures in sufferers. Research indicates that osteoporosis causes 8.9 million fractures worldwide on an annual basis. This translates to about one case of osteoporosis-related fracture every three seconds. A majority of these fractures occur in the wrists, spine, and hip, which are regularly stressed. Hip and spine fractures are some of the most serious conditions, which may result in disability.
Bones affected by osteoporosis exhibit signs of abnormal tissue structure (large holes and spaces). Due to this, osteoporosis sufferers have weak and brittle bones, making them easier to break in the event of a fall.
Falls remain a huge national concern, as one in four Americans aged 65+ suffer falls each year. Falls remain the leading cause of fatal injury and non-fatal trauma in older adults within the nation.
Reducing Fall Risk with Naboso Insoles
Naboso Technology features unique insoles that stimulate the proprioceptors found at the bottom of your feet. Proprioceptors are natural sensors that convey signals to your brain, which control movement stability and body position.
Additionally, the insoles function through 2-point discrimination, where the distance between each texture is reflective of the difference between the nerves. Consider the technology similar to braille, where textures stimulate the nerve endings of your body.
As we age, we may lose our senses of proprioception, leading to an unsteady gait and risks of falling. Naboso Technology’s insoles are specially formulated to help you restore balance by restoring natural abilities from the ground up through skin touch, providing stabler movement. The proprioceptive insoles can be customized to accommodate any foot size or shape to provide anyone with the support they need.
Proprioceptive Flooring
The innovative team at Naboso Technology has come up with a specialized flooring that improves proprioceptor rehabilitation and core to foot activation rates. Naboso Flooring is manufactured from Naboso's patent-pending textured material. The flooring system is conveniently installed in your office, home or medical facilities to provide the rehabilitative benefits of Naboso Technology.
Want to Learn More about Naboso?
Naboso is the leading specialist in barefoot technology. We believe in fixing balance impairments so mobility-affected individuals can effectively regain control over their coordination and posture. Visit us to learn more about our comprehensive range of revolutionary services catered toward optimizing your senses.